2 min read

vercel logs

Learn how to list out all logs for a specific deployment using the vercel logs CLI command.
Table of Contents

The vercel logs command is used to retrieve logs data for a specific deployment. You can find more detailed logs on the Deployment Overview page from the Vercel Dashboard.

vercel logs [deployment-url]

Using the vercel logs command to retrieve logs for a specific deployment.

These are options that only apply to the vercel logs command.

The --follow option, shorthand -f, can be used to watch for additional logs output.

vercel logs --follow

Using the vercel logs command with the --follow option.

The --number option, shorthand -n, can be used to specify the number of log lines to output.

vercel logs --number 10

Using the vercel logs command with the --number option.

The --output option, shorthand -o, can be used to specify the format of the logs output, this can be either short (default) or raw.

vercel logs --output raw

Using the vercel logs command with the --output option.

The --since option can be used to return logs only after a specific date, using the ISO 8601 format.

vercel logs --since 2019-09-04T07:05:43+00:00

Using the vercel logs command with the --since option.

The --query option, shorthand -q, can be used to return logs against a search query.

vercel logs --query foo

Using the vercel logs command with the --query option.

The --until option can be used to return logs only up until a specific date, using the ISO 8601 format.

vercel logs --until 2019-09-04T07:05:43+00:00

Using the vercel logs command with the --until option.

The following global options can be passed when using the vercel logs command:

For more information on global options and their usage, refer to the options section.

Last updated on June 10, 2024